
Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (“Policy”) forms an electronic contract within the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and does not require any physical, electronic or digital signature. By visiting this Website the User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy. In the event a User is not agreeable with the terms and conditions hereof, the User is requested to please refrain from using this Website.

This Policy shall, at all times be read and construed in consonance and along with theTnC’s.

This Policy is subject to change at any time without notice and the Website encourages its Users to review this policy periodically.

This Policy highlights inter alia the type of data shared/collected from a User/the Website in the course of the User’s usage of the Website. The Policy further intends to apprise the User of the purposes for which the data of the user is collected and the Website’s policy with regard to sharing such personal information with third party entities.

All defined terms used within this Policy but not specifically defined herein shall draw their meaning from the definition ascribed to such term under the TnC’s.

  1. Collection of information

The Website may during the course of the User’s usage of the Website collect the following personal and non-personal information and such other information from the Users for accessing the Website (“Information”), as may be required from time to time. The Information shall be collected in order to conduct operations on the Website.

1.1. Personal information:

(i) Name of the User;

(ii) Phone number (mobile and/or residence and/or alternative) of the User;

(iii) Gender of the User;

(iv) Date of birth of the User;

(v) Address (official/residence/other) of the User;

(vi) Email Id (primary/alternative) of the User;

(vii) Credit and/or Debit card details including card number, date of expiry, CVV or CVV2 number, password, and name on the card of the User;

(viii) Other details of the User, where applicable;

(ix) Personal information received from social networking sites through which the User has registered to the Website including name, profile picture, email address or friends list, and any information made public in connection with that social media service;

(x) Internet protocol(IP) address of the User;

(xi) Any other personal data or information of the User as may be stated in the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data of Information) Rules, 2011 enacted under the Information Technology Act, 2000; and

(xii) Such other information that may be required to access and operate the Website

1.2. Non-personal information:

(i) Details of internet or telecom service provider of the User;

(ii) Location of a User;

(iii) Type of internet browser being used by the User; and

(iv) Such other information that may be required to access and operate the Website

1.3. Please be advised that in addition to the above, the duration of use of the Website by the User may also be logged and stored by the Website.

1.4. The Information may be collected and/or stored in electronic form, however, the Website is hereby authorized by the User to collect/store such information in physical form as well.

1.5. The Website may share the Information of a User with any third party entities subject to such entities adopting reasonable safety standards with respect to the use of such Information.

  1. Representation and Warranties

Every User hereby represents and warrants to the Website that:

  1. a) all Information derived are true, correct, current and updated;
  2. b) all Information derived from in relation to the Products do not belong to any third party, and if they do belong to a third party, the User is duly authorized by such Third Party to use, access and disseminate such Information;
  3. c) storage, collection, usage, transfer, access or processing of the same shall not be in violation of any third party agreement, laws, charter documents, judgments, orders and decree;
  4. d) the officers, directors, contractors or agents of the Website shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever with regard to the authenticity or veracity of the Information that a User may provide to the Website; and
  5. e) the User shall indemnify and hold harmless the Website and each of the Website’s officers, directors, contracts or agents and any third party relying on the Information provided by the User in the event the User is in breach of this Policy;
  6. Purpose and use of information

All Information collected/stored by the Website shall be used for:

  1. a) providing information about new products, existing products and offers to the Users;
  2. b) to promote, advertise, market products of new sellers operating on the Website and continually improve the existing product and service offerings;
  3. c) to conduct research and surveys for business development;
  4. d) to implement the necessary security practices to ensure that all personal data are protected;
  5. e) to administer the User accounts in normal course of business;
  6. f) to contact the Users in case where fraud, illegal activities or breach of privacy is recorded;
  7. g) to enable a future investor to analyze the business of the Website; and
  8. h) such other purposes at the Website, at its sole discretion, however subject to the principles contained in this Policy, may deem fit.
  9. Sharing of information

4.1. Every User hereby expressly agrees and that the Website may share the Information collected from the them with its affiliates, employees, agents, third party service provider, sellers, suppliers, banks, payment gateway operators (if any) and such other individuals and institutions located within or outside India from time to time to ensure efficient management of User accounts and such other purposes as the Website may deem fit, including to detect and prevent identity theft and other illegal acts, to provide specialized, respond to legal, judicial, quasi judicial law enforcement agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety.

4.2. Every User hereby represents and warrants that that sharing of such Information shall not cause any wrongful loss/gain or damage to either the User or to any third party.

  1. Third party website links

The Website may contain links that will redirect the Users to third party websites that may have access to the personal information of the User to which this Policy shall not be applicable. Thereby every User agrees and acknowledges that accessing third party websites through links provided in the Website will solely be at the User’s discretion. Additionally, the Website shall under no circumstance be held liable for breach of privacy by such a third party website nor shall it be liable for any objectionable content that may be displayed on such a third party website.

  1. Protection of Information

6.1. The Website understands and acknowledges the importance of security and protection of the Information provided by and/ or collected from the Users. Pursuant to the same the Website shall make the best efforts to ensure protection of Information by use of such security measures and programmes that it may deem fit for the purpose. The Website shall employ best efforts to protect the Information against any unauthorized, illegal and fraudulent use of such Information by third parties.

6.2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Website shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of the Information caused to the User, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to a force majeure event.

6.3. The Website shall adopt appropriate encryption and security measures to prevent any hacking of the information of the Users and third parties and shall ensure that the User shall not be required or asked to disclose any Information, which may be prejudicial to interests of the User.

6.4. The Website shall use the Information collected from the Users in accordance with applicable laws including but the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules made thereunder and use the data only for the purpose of completing the transaction for which it was furnished, and shall not sell or otherwise furnish such information.

6.5. All information pertaining to payment instruments like debit card, credit card and other instruments shall be stored in compliance with industry standards/ recommended data security standard for security of financial information such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).

6.6. The User agrees and acknowledges that the Website shall be entitled to share the Information with third party entities for such purposes as it may deem fit, however, such sharing of information shall be subject to such third parties being bound by appropriate data protection provisions.

  1. Withdrawal of Information

7.1. All Information provided and/ or collected by the Website may be withdrawn at any time during or pursuant to usage of the Website by a User.

7.2. Users desirous of withdrawing the Information shall send an email to the Grievance Officer and request for such withdrawal.

  1. Grievance Redressal

8.1. The User may, report violation of breach of privacy, Information or identity theft or grievances in relation to the Information shared, collected, stored or disseminated in accordance with this Policy, to the Grievance Officer appointed by the Website in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 at the following:

Grievance Redressal

E-Mail Address :